Wednesday, June 24, 2009

But Umeboshi is even better. As I read and research further, I grow in my respect for especially South American cultures & Chinese & Japanese, and less for my Indian Brethren. The latter seem to have forgotten much of their ancestral past, and can only make blind claims to some archaic period, which neither them or anyone they know of practice or have really heard of. Ayurveda for the most part is a dead science. Chinese Medicine has been safe guarded for 3000 years. Acupuncture is used side by side in China with Western Medicine, and the meridians are accurate time-table points of telling symptoms. Ask a cancer patient, who has undergone acupuncture after chemo-therapy, and they will gladly tell you the relief they get. And unlike current ayurvedic treatments which just ask you to ingest which is half in corn syrup, Chinese medicine requires you to look at your entire life, and take into practice several chinese alligned yogic practices; e.g. active moving yoga as well medicines.

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