Friday, June 26, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Milk does contain calcium... but they are also high in protein and diets that are high inprotein, especially animal protein, cause more calcium to be excreted. Meats also contain large quantities of phosphorus, which can impair calcium balance.
– Hegsted R B, Barden H S, Zemel M B, Linkswiller H M,
“Urinary calcium and calcium balance in young men as affected by level of protein and phosphorus intake,”
Journal of Nutrition, 111:553-62, 1981
Humble apple juice is quite simply amazing, an apple a day really does keep the doctor away.
Apples contain pectin this substance helps remove any build up of toxins in the intestinal tract, they also contain beta-carotene, folic acid, vitamin C and other vitamins & minerals. Apples help get rid of bad cholesterol and prevent cancer. All this from a simple apple. And the best way to get these nutrients into your body is through freshly squeezed apple juice.
Excepted from
I knew there was something great to my apples , even better than OJ.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
I came just in time downstairs, to hear the Bhava Darshan satsang.
Its hard to remember all of Amma's stories because they are extensive, and continue; in fact I have never heard anyone else I have had difficulty following because (not for the language- my skills have improved- I can understand nearly 70% better than my 30% before) .
Swami Satsang
Told the story of the three men having to use restroom. And the 90 year old. This is just a footnote. And then a story about a monk going to see a llama. He also emphasizes the phonetics between Amma (stressed long on a) and the short version- which means mother, while the latter means a turtle. A stab at the western pronounciation and lack of learning ability.
Amma Satsang
The man who dies hanging on the rope when he asks god to help and god says just let go, and he does not. Apparently he was only 2 feet from the ground but died frozen on the rope. A reminder of the lack of faith man carries. What else,...
Amma- gave malu a kiss on the way out, when She stopped by MeeraAmme, to ask about details or something in Santa Fe. And she told Amma that Malu and Karthik would join from Chicago. She saw me waiting a little down the line as Amma was exiting, and held my hand and said aren't you coming? I said no, and she said oh i thought you were coming for the tour. I do not think I will. I am taking a class. Chinese 1. And fixing my car. I will be in Seattle, to buy Malu's car. I think I will get her a lancer, or something around $5k range. Nobody in Karthik's family, including himself will be happy, but I doubt they have the balls (the LULAS) to say anything to me; of which I would even hear out. When I'm determined not even God's or Guru's opinion matters. Thats the way it should be. If you blindly listen to the Master you will never grow. It is ok up to a certain stage of unfoldment or maturity, but beyond that, you need to develop intution through meditation and japa. No other spiritual practices will help beyond that. Dhynam and Japa are like cornerstones. The Archana, should already be practiced, but japa at a fixed time, is a powerful instrument. I used to think my practices were only atrributed to my style, but later , much later I learned the early swami's did the same practices, just more intensely and longer. In my situtation, you cannot live in the world , and do that intense practice, Amma said something to me along those lines , subtely suggesting direction energy to positive rajasic habits. Like learning, and exercesing, and seva I suppose. I have never met anyone else in my life, Amma has said that too.
But back to the satsang- Now I cannot remember. Paramahansa Yogananda belived that the mind has all memories recorded (whether you actively remember it or not) , like an encylopedia of memories, you can trace back countless lives. This requires an advanced mind. Its like a person who never ran marathons decided to run with the raramuri of Mexico, who are the most prolific runners of all time; they can wear out a cheetah, a deer or any person or animal. And that is not even close to an exaggeration. These men and women , run and get into gear only by 50 miles of running, and that means they do long runs around the 400miles range in a single day or two. With no equipment, except a bottle of water, and food before and after. Pretty impressive. They also drink a type of corn beer. And smoke slightly- black cigarettes (I'm sure it has nothing to do with American tobacco). They are the ancenstors to the Hopi's who ran from southern california to peru, and the aztecs which raced along the Southern & Northern parts of the American continent. Thanks to Bindu Chechi and Vajran for the book. They are very sweet peope. May God grace the boy on his quest. I typically dislike all children after an age of say 8. Like Hari Gopal, they are incessantly annoying and have violent tendencies. But this kid, I have to say is about the nicest boy I have met. Amma apparently had told his Mom, oh you raise him very strictly with discipline huh. It takes a spiritual mind to correctly observe and judge others; doing it without the right disciplines of sadhana behind your back, you are apt to view them with the filters of your own faults.
- Three things Amma emphasized during Meditation q&a: Sneham, Satyam, and Sakshi. Being a witness to your actions, being honest, and having compassion. She said it was enough if you practiced these three. (Meaning without reading scriptures, or extensive - analysis; but none of those are bad for you . Amma used to say the scriptures are for advanced disciples and children, I remember showing Her my tattoo and reciting the verse, and Amma said oh, so you have begun reading a little. ) Meaning that I had come to a point, after practices where I could begin to understand the meanings of those statements. It will seem empty or just recitation elsewise. Books on Bhakti, and other Masters are good though, provided they are genuine masters. To get a list of genuine masters, its easy; just watching the vintage scenes where Amma takes all her disciples to , the holy places; are the masters of significance. A few; Ramana Maharishi, Parahamansa Yogananda, Ramakrishna Paramahnsa, and some other lesser known ones. But its for depending on the caliber of student. Not everyone has the same digestive quality.
Feral City2 years ago
The Last Day of 2018.6 years ago