Monday, September 23, 2013

Was there any use in repeating God’s name
if one did not have love for Him?’ asked a disciple.
‘If you fall into water, whether willingly or
unwillingly, your cloth will get wet all the same,
will it not?’ was her answer that immediately
quietened him.

 | Sri Sarada Devi

Why does one not experience God-absorption,
though one is constantly repeating God’s
name—is a problem that perplexes a spiritual
aspirant occasionally. When the Holy Mother was
asked that question, her practical advice was: ‘It
will come, by and by. But do not give up japa even
if the mind is unwilling and unsteady. You must
go on with the repetition of the name and you
will find that the mind is gradually getting
steadier, like a flame in calm air. Any movement
in the air disturbs the steady burning of a flame;
even so the presence of any thought or desire
makes the mind unsteady. The mantra must be
correctly repeated. As incorrect utterance delays


But, then, a single utterance of the Lord’s name
is as effective as a million repetitions if you do it
with a steady, concentrated mind. What is the use
of repeating the mantra a million times with an
absent mind? You must do it whole-heartedly. Then
only can you deserve his grace,’ was her answer to
a similar question on another occasion.

When a man sees defects in others, his
own mind first gets polluted. What does he gain
by finding faults in others? He only hurts himself
by that.

Just as clouds are blown away by the wind,
so the thirst for material pleasure will be driven
away by the utterance of the Lord’s name

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