Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Discovery of Genesis: How the truth of Genesis Were found hidden in the Chinese Language
an interesting book. I have not read it. But read some of the things in it, associated. Some very unique common elements between Christianity, but the suggestion it runs from west to east seems funny. so ill just recommend it, not read it.

Oh yeah i am looking at cooking schools. Hopefully I graduate this semester, otherwise f this.
- National Gourmet Institute - seems people from here dont have a problem getting a job after.
- CSCA- or something- in Cambridge, really comprehensive European program
- MLA BU/Culinary Cert.- Planning to do this at some point, but first i think ill head to NY to try NGI.
old Chinese proverb that says, "the best fertilizer is the farmer's footsteps."

Friday, March 27, 2009

the number 7
ironically seventh heaven- phrase from dante's divine comedy-
the name of that ridiculous amoral show on tv too.
the messenger of Oinari-sama, the rice god - is the fox.
but what not if for a gentle heart of a mother, could this world revolve, with all the pain, there are not enough tears, for the lacking. but the strength in ones heart, what incredible bearing, is the grace of the kind smile that breathes life into the atoms vibrating sustenance.
Currently perusing Yakuza Moon by Shoko Tendo.
I heard reviews that it was not really good. That it did not talk about the yakuza and how they ran. I think Confessions of A Yakuza, does not do that either. But it is a good non-fiction story about a real and maybe one of the last gang bosses of Japan. It is not really a chronological story to do with history at all. More of a memoir style written by the yakuza's doctor. But a very romantic tale in the literary sense. So far I am enjoying yakuza moon , it is more about the woman and her tale, about the drugs, and involuntary sex, and the whirlwind life that such living brings about.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Thich Nhat Hanh, the Vietnamese Buddhist Monk, eating habits.
Just finished reading Confessions of A Yakuza. A very nice tale. At first I found it dull, but then it became more interesting , a very unorthodox way of writing.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

ones being appears like a clear reflection by moonlight
no one can hide his face,
the wind, brings the turn of nature with every tide
to be more noble than you are ,
like the great wheel , her forces return you to where you are.
it is the great secret of men, of real understanding, truths that go through
hidden doors, and across the little branch bugs. it is in the recess of space,
between the cracks her lullabies sing.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Today I bought some vegetables to juice like usual. I thought I would try turnip greens. Turns out I bought mustard greens. OOoooo. So Raw. So strong. FML
Emerson was profoundly touched by vedic philosophy like much of the thinkers who came across those texts.. some from his nature, his prose, are very much adorned with these ideas:

[the ideas about balance in the vedas- about karma , and flow]"
The same dualism underlies the nature and condition of man. Every excess causes a defect; every defect an excess. Every sweet hath its sour, every evil its good. Every faculty which is a receiver of pleasure has an equal penalty put on its abuse. It is to answer for its moderation with life. For every grain of wit there is a grain of folly. For everything you have missed, you have gained something else; and for everything you gain, you lose something. If riches increase, they are increased that use them. If the gatherer gathers too much, nature takes out of the man what she puts into his chest; swells the estate, but kills the owner. Nature hates monopolies and exceptions.

Is a man too strong and fierce for society, and by temper and position a bad citizen- a morose ruffian, with a dash of the pirate in him- nature sends him a troop of pretty songs and daughters, who are getting along in the dame's classes.... and love and fear for them smooth his grim scowl to courtesy. Thus she contrives to intenerate the granite and felspar, takes the boar out and puts the lamb in , and keeps her balance true.

The farmer imagines power and place are fine things. But the President has paid dear for his White House. It has commonly cost him all his peace, and the best of his manly attributes. To preserve for a short time so conspicuous an appearance before the world, he is content to eat dust before the real masters who stand erect behind the throne. Or do men desire the more substantial and permanent grandeur of genius? Neither has this an immunity. He who by force of will or of thought is great, and overlooks thousands , has the charges of that eminence. With every influx of light comes new danger. ..
Everything in nature contains all the powers of nature. Every thing is made of one hidden stuff, as the naturalist sees one type under every metamorphosis , and regards a horse as a running a man.. each new form repeats not only the main character of the type, but part for part all the details, all the aims, furtherances, hindrances, energies, and whole system of every other. Every occupation, trade, art, transaction, is a compend of the world, and a correlative of every other. Each one is an entire emblem of human life , of its good, and ill, its trials, its enemies, its course and its end. The world globes itself in a drop of dew. " R.W .E

Sunday, March 22, 2009

The woodworking of Japan is fascinating. I am planning to take some classes in Japanese Joinery. They offer them near Oakland[Daiku Dojo]. Not a bad drive, at a college near one in the same district I once attended classes. To become a carpenter, is too long of an apprenticeship. But I will see if I can enjoy them, while taking some Japanese classes at Foothill. They offer an extensive program, and certifications. I'll use those classes and the potentially decent grades , to see if I can make into the Boston MLA Gastronomy program. Mathematics has become a great dull ride... I was interrupted for a while. Lost thoughts pedestaled in termite craters.
the weather is a little milder today. like autumn weather, the temperate wind is best then - but its march.
The itch from the kirin on my leg is at times unbearable, last night I had a familiar shooting pain , rising through my right thigh. Hopefully it ends. Morning breath is terrible, think tobacco makes it worse .