why did God give man a mind
why did you get a name upon birth
it is not an option it is there
it is what we do with it
we mix sugar and white sand together -
so called intellectual cannot differentiate between sand and sugar
but an ant , a lower being, - non intellectual can find the sugar and taste it whereas the intellectual cannot.
Such is the mind, it is what we use it for.
--Michigan - Q&A
Pakistani women- name was dog, changed into something huge
Amma gave-humbleness-
It is not the name that makes the person, is it is person who makes it.
You mediate on the name,
in order to grow huge- or powerful of a being, you have to be very humble
To be a hero you have to be a zero
Meditate on name given by Amma. And you will become.
How to remove sorrow
- Why you have so much sadness (asked by Amma)- did someone die- recently of yours-
His father died.
- A: For some time, cry will be there, but rest pray for the Atman.
Dont be sad , your dad has gone to a good place.