Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Daisuke -

Horitaku is dead now. I dont know how or why.
When I enter the grave , oh brother,

i hear like now, my Gridhari's flute

O lord of janaki,

the strings of the tampura, the gaud of the sarod,

my heart flutters, Oh My Vivekananda-
my obsciences before such statues,
you of all who allowed me to understand my very own, Master.

Without whose harmony, the notes which bridge this life
I could not gage the depth of the great beings that have come and gone
as the passing stars.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

knowledge speaks but wisdom listens
why did God give man a mind

why did you get a name upon birth
it is not an option it is there
it is what we do with it

we mix sugar and white sand together -
so called intellectual cannot differentiate between sand and sugar
but an ant , a lower being, - non intellectual can find the sugar and taste it whereas the intellectual cannot.

Such is the mind, it is what we use it for.
--Michigan - Q&A

Pakistani women- name was dog, changed into something huge
Amma gave-humbleness-
It is not the name that makes the person, is it is person who makes it.
You mediate on the name,
in order to grow huge- or powerful of a being, you have to be very humble
To be a hero you have to be a zero
Meditate on name given by Amma. And you will become.

How to remove sorrow
- Why you have so much sadness (asked by Amma)- did someone die- recently of yours-
His father died.
- A: For some time, cry will be there, but rest pray for the Atman.
Dont be sad , your dad has gone to a good place.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Daddy got mantra diksha. Amma told me about Dheepu's wedding. Told me to decide about my job. Higher Education is not bad. Swamiji looks like a full blown Jnani. The fat one is getting weirder. Swamiji sang Apara Sacchid.

O friend, I cannot tell you

Whether he was near or far, real or a dream.

Like a vine of lightning,

As I chained the dark one,

I felt a river flooding in my heart.

Like a shining moon,

I devoured that liquid face.

I felt stars shooting around me.

When I hear the flute of my lord, beckoning my soul to its end; I feel no anger, no emptiness, a great knot she has put or released I cannot say. Like the songs of vidhapathi, what words do my heart echo.