Thursday, September 9, 2010

  • My daily affairs are quite ordinary;
    but I'm in total harmony with them.
    I don't hold on to anything, don't reject anything;
    nowhere an obstacle or conflict.
    Who cares about wealth and honor?
    Even the poorest thing shines.
    My miraculous power and spiritual activity:
    drawing water and carrying wood.

    - Layman Pang (c. 740 - 808) from The Enlightened Heart

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

May my character not spoil my destiny ~African Proverb
"Life is a spell so exquisite, everything conspires to break it." -Emily Dickenson
O what is beauty
that I feel it to be so hot-blooded and suggestive,
so filled with imperative
beneath the ease of its changes,
between the leaves and the clouds of its thousand
and again a thousand opportunities?
-Mary Oliver from Riprap

Monday, September 6, 2010

Even if your mind stays away in the forest,
Or in the house, Or In duties or in great thoughts
If your mind does not bow at Her feet,
What is the use? What is the use? And What is the use? --Guru Ashtakam
'Even as the lion, not trembling at noises, even as the wind, not caught in a net, even as the lotus-leaf untouched by water, so do thou wander alone, like the rhinoceros '
Man ages without even notice, how sad is the ordinary life.
As long as there is obstruction in the path, there is manifestation of power.