Offering Food to Babies::
--- oh a side note: Olive oil's smoke temperature is too low for searing. Best is canola oil (if you care about less smoke and all) Batterie De Cuisine- The Pots and Pans & Knife skills-
wasabi is ground up fresh like sandalwood to the soft stone. How interesting.. [If you ever watch Samurai Anime; I forgot the episode but the wasabi healing plants.. and their limbs regrowing back all gecko like or lizard i suppose...]
Why is that some babies eat greens on the first try, and spit out bananas 10 times. Raises the interesting phenomena of previously stored fragments of interest. Why certain people are inherently chosen to particular foods, even despite or opposed to repetitious action into getting someone acquainted with it (e.g. giving your kid an exceptionally all round vegetarian diet only).