Watched all of season 5 of Entourage. The premise for the show is pretty clever. It's extremely clever. The show is okay, its light, somewhat humorous, nothing too lame at least in the acting. I mean its not really a work of anything. Like the first season of Dexter, or even that other show- Six Feet Under- that was a very epic piece of work. This is more like fun, I assume. Like the Gossip Girl for men, but without the heavy over-acting. I honestly do not think anyone in this show can act, but I think that's also the charm and point. Mark Wahlberg did a phenomenal job; where he could not do movies well, he got the TV genre for today's generation on the dot.
The man was physically fit at one point too, might I add. I think the main character is very 2-D. He really can't act that well, but the supporting group especially the small red headed fella, they all add to the characters. This is really not a work of something that produces stimuli, like Sopranos. But it's light nature is probably what makes it appealing and a success. With the addition of several cameo's and celebrity highlights, and the plethora of pretty women , without excess footage is a well established TV show. It first ran season 1 in 2005. That is a strong show, to be starting Season 6, next Sunday, July 12th, 2009. It is a very unrealistic show; that probably complements to its color. At one point the character who plays Johnny Drama, Kevin Dillon even says that most men, or 99% wont get to date a super-model. The funny part about all of this is that most of these guys are no name actors, with small serials, even if that to their credit. That is probably what gives the show a more realistic effect. Either way, it was like reading Calvin & Hobbes, a fun light read or watch, nothing too deep to ponder over. Although the former can be very elevating.
On another note, I had some really surreal dreams in the past weeks. I had a dream about the use of commas I think, the other day. And a giant snake on the beach. Dreaming is supposed to be an indicator of lack of really deep sleep. In deep sleep you don't dream. Although dream books and the authors who of the modern era pitch all that shit about dream interpretation, I like the neo-classical texts on it. Most of which are not really available to the layman.