Thursday, June 23, 2011

Family Photo on Facebook

I was staring at the photo of my family (sin my dad) , a classic old photo I had scanned in for.. Anyways, its a bit well old and wrinkly par none. But today, I stared at my the eyes everyone. She is the center. That means so many things. Devi, is the bindhu . My mom is central . My sister. It could be like that. But anyways. I notice. Differences and a divine similarity. One. My moms eyes. clear , crisp, inoccently happy. My brothers, round like a fawd luic clear dark and heavy, like a sambhogi . One who enjoys this world and the spiritual ones; but has attained a higher feeling of the truth imbided in the spirit. Yes a learned sadhak with intense concentration on his Guru, can feel the slightest magnitude of shakti in any man, and the strong iron fillings of the divine longing experienced in a soul that is in the process of awakening to the dawn. My brothers eyes here are probably the most shapely. He is more outwardly bent. But tremendously peaceful. Both my moms and brothers are benign. Looking out into - . My moms more directly but still not focused on that - more on That. Like a presence of peace. My brothers are distant in more a direct manner. Further facing but the roundness gives it a very warming presence , like you are entering a garden. My sisters, so dark, very direct- lik a hallow look. Her eyes are the darkest most prominent. As if a spark of god, lights from within, a direct noble look- one of truth defiant of whatever else- They are the darkest and only eyes looking directly at the - besides my own, which are round but also kind of tired and like an old soul lies inside like you can see into and their is mischief in those eyes. I have never really studied my own eyes. When I look at my eyes all I feel is the intense sadness of seperation and how the Master has looked into my eyes. I cannot bare to stare at her eyes when she is staring at me for more than a little longer; a pain of seperation rushses from me, like a gushing river unlocked- and I year to dam that back in quickly in some subtle form of thought like bitting my arm like a dog thinking the blood oozing out is seperate of my own - and then a presence of intense desire manifests to be closer to Her. To feel the magnetism of her flowing white gown, which you can feel even 50 feet away , like a charge of lighting in the deep blue clouds. In my eyes there is a quest and a naughtyness. But there is a comfort and iswara chaitanya, which is present in all our faces very very clearly. My soul and my brothers , are similar but different; quite the same but no, and must move forward to reach God. I must cultivate that within and make it grow and contain it and use it . My sisters is like a bold righteous person, eyes that are strong of God. She will have to put in the effort to rise above the regular state of mankind, into the ever heights of Gods bliss. It seems all my family members are born with a rare blessing from God; an indelectable voracious capacity to feel the presence of the infinte mother, and her love and guidance. Through many lives we are born and die, and for a reason Sri Buddha said we are born with the souls we are in the family bonds we create, and share, and sometimes cling to in death.
Om Namah Shivaya
. A thing done well, with love and devotion, is its own reward. - Sri Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi

I went to see Hide today. (This has nothing to do with the about quote). Although Ramana Maharshi has some very similar ways that are parallel to our own Master. The principle is which comes in the form of the Guru. Anyways- Yes, we were delayed one hour. Those guys at the shop are some funny characters. The two fellas who are apprentice are very cool , laid back young SF tattoo artist guys. Well, that being said... A different world than Little Tokyo in LA. That was the most chill parlor. Jiro is a very cool brother[though he is not Black, he fits quite well into the LA - whichever particular type he adopts unbeknownst to me] and a very passionate artist from what I gather, or a work alcoholic, yes thats right, 'yhes' - addicted , or maybe just socially morbid. But his shop is cool, the man is chill , and the guys who were work with are most chill. Thats the word I would use. And Taka works out of there, well know I am not sure if our relationship soured or not. The road goes forward . The waters wade to its place. So, I enjoyed hanging out with them, and learning culture, and interesting tidbids from Frank; who was always a good laugh. Guess, its a different story up North since I don't know them like that, or as well; and I lived in Little Tokyo for more than five years. We finished up the rooster. Looks like it should. Was a long day, made longer by the delay, and then on top of it what a surprise, and then yes, empty, out to the train station, and then again, its the Giants fans, packed into the caltrain on the 10:40 pm, me on the bike car; two lesbian girls vivaciously defending whatever sports episode - I am not sure, I neither follow sports or listen too much to people. I hear, but dont respond. I've learned over the years to become very still inside a busy place. Like a train full of people loud, some drunk, obviously, or were and gloating in the game- I think the Giants won, and they played the Twins; judging from the fat white woman's jersey and the comment struck on her from a young, pretty girl, though loud and quite vociferous. All these people, many couples, and bikers, - most of the people seem to be well bred stock in SF; not like NY where some guy might shank or a group might pound upon you (should you be any tan color of toast beyond white inside the heart of America as they call it, or the death for us darker folks) wherever burrough you end up riding the A train through. No, here its all verbal games, mild amusements, workers enjoying their sports and getting ready to go home, guys like me tired from a day of work ( and hours of tebori and delays and riding the bike up Pacific to Van-Ness and nearly getting the cramps, oh wait I did, and it hurt, but yes..) I was able to remember myself in the Train, avoid talking though the two lesbians were in ear shot and made for a painful ride. I was not talked to, not let alone really looked at ; but I wasn't hostile, just smiled, and kept eyes low; focused on my beads. There is peace, when you hit the break of the wave; for a moment you glide; like so, after a brief period of sadhana, you build a current of thoughts toward That, and though you may not be paddling, or seem like it, the current is taking you; you are always going to ride, it; until you wish to go slower. But the mother nature of it all, will bring you back and She will hurl you in; and you will start up again. The great being inside your heart awakens from the mantra. A great goddess residing on your tonuge sets fire to your person. The taste of the tongue goes. Pure souls immediately feel a vibrancy without progressing through the orthodox states. I have done the latter. And though initially I had insanely grotesque thoughts, and random random random feelings of life; it has come low; diminishing as the years go on; me unaware I a m climbing this great hill, always, toward Her. Whatever that comes of life is her Grace.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

"Before the tribunal of nature a man has no more right to life than a rattlesnake; he has no more right to liberty than any wild beast; his right to pursuit of happiness is nothing but a license to maintain the struggle for existence..."
—William Graham Sumner, "Earth-hunger, and other essays," p. 234.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

"To everyone you give only this instruction: 'Find out who you are.' If, after that, they humbly ask for more guidance, you tell them as your final word: 'There is a power which moves you and me and all others. Lay your ego at the feet of that Mother.' "
No Desires, No Sorrow
He who has no desires has no sorrow,But where there is desireThere will be ever-increasing sorrows.When desire, sorrow's sorrow, dies away,Undying bliss prevails, even here on earth.It is the nature of desire never to be fulfilled,But he who utterly gives it up realizesEternal Fulfillment at that very moment.
Retain at heart always the sense of non-duality but never express it in action. My son, the sense of non-duality may apply to the three worlds but it is not to be used towards the Guru."
The first verse of the Sri Dakshinamurti Stotra by Sri Sankaracharya declares the same: "I bow to Sri Dakshinamurti in the form of my Guru; I bow to him by whose Grace the whole world is found to exist entirely in the mind, like a city's image mirrored in a glass, though like a dream, through Maya's power it appears outside; and by whose Grace, again, on the dawn of Knowledge it is perceived as the everlasting and non-dual Self."
The man said, “I called and called But Allah never replied, 'Here I am.'...Abraham explained, “Allah has said, your calling my name is My reply.your longing for Me is My message to you. All your attempts to reach Me are in reality My attempts to reach you. Your fear and love are a noose to catch Me. In the silence surrounding every call of “Allah” waits a thousand replies of “Here I am.” ~ Rumi