Monday, August 30, 2010

These shadows have taught me I am nothing save when I walk in Thy light.
With grateful heart I bless these ills that
teach me to love Thee and Thy light.

Be like a rock, unshakable.

Discipline should not throw you down. When you take up spiritual life without any ulterior motive, not seeking ease or comfort , you seek tests and difficulties to prove your strength and endurance. You do not shrink from trial. Never pray to minimize your burden, but that you may be given wisdom to meet it. There are moments when we feel thwarted and when our spiritual vision seems blocked. These are the moments of greatest growth.
I am the Spirit of eternal youth.
I am form in infinite space.
I am unchanging beauty.
I am undying life.

We ( Myself, Karthik & Malu ) went to Sequioa National Park. We returned today after spending 3 nights, 4 days there. We were at Dorst Creek Campgrounds. The scenery was a spectacle to behold. Amazing redwoods, sequioas, we also saw General Sherman-Ji. That was second rate. But the creek, was one of those landscapes which is a miracle- like Amma says- the bird flying in the vast sky. If I could have ventured solo, which I did on one day- I could trek further, but still we had a great time. I can never forget the peace of nature coupled with a spiritual resolve. Without a foundation in God, it is hard to awaken consciousness in man.