Monday, March 9, 2009

my mind is lost thinking of your vastness

as empitied me clean like the drying sun over wet dew

reading these makes my hairs stand on end. [when compared to the ever monotony of life] when will it come, when i drift, into the gentle arms,

why is that even a small bee, makes my heart quiver,
why does my heart overflow with these emotions,..

" such things have been revealed to me that now all I have written appears in my eyes as of no greater value than straw"

So spoke st. thomas aquinas. " prince of scholastics" in answer to his secretarys anxious urgins that summa theologiae be completed. one day in 1273- during mass in a naples church- st.thomas experiences a profound mystical insight. the glory of divine knowledge so overwhlemed him that henceforth he took no interest in intellectuality.

socrates words ( in platos phaedrus)":: as for me , all i know is that i know nothing".

[regarding st.thomas] such things make my heart stand on end. i have longed to speak with those who have felt the divine aspirations as I have...

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