Wednesday, January 25, 2012

From Chowhound

Amazing IPA' no particular order.....hope I listed a few that haven't been mentioned....

1) Three Floyds Dreadnaught (bready yeasty peach mango grapefruit)
2) Flossmoor Station Brewer's Whim Series IPA's (uniquely creamy in aroma/flavor--lactose sugar?)
3) Three Floyds Apocalypse Cow (definitely lactose sugar--creamy & citrusy)
3) Bells Hopslam (similar to dreadnaught.....awesome balance of huge malt and hops--citrus and tropical fruit)
4) Bells Two Hearted Ale (perhaps a more acquired taste--soapy lemon pledge flowery extremely refreshing)
5) Three Floyds Alpha King (king of pale ales--more like an IPA w/ the 66 IBU's, maltier now than it used to be? prefer the grassier/citrus-dominated version of old)
6) Stone IPA (classic)
7) Alesmith IPA (very dry grapefruit and belgiany tasting yeast presence--amazing rocky bone-white head)
8) O'Dells IPA (remember this one being incredible--similar to Alesmith IPA--on the drier side)
9) Goose Island XXX IPA (italian dessert wine--white grape, pear, orange?)
10) New Holland Existential Ale (barley wine-ish)
11) Dark Horse Double Crooked Tree (huge, but smooth and balanced 'triple ipa' = barley wine essentially...13% abv)
12) Avery Maharaja IPA (along the lines of Goose XXX IPA)
13) Founders Devil Dancer Triple IPA (perhaps the hoppiest beer on the market--but also contains a huge malt structure--caramelly, bourbony, bitter, super complex, needs age)
14) Three Floyds Broodoo (best fresh hop harvest ale on the market)
15) Three Floyds Blackheart (oak chips somehow give it a floral/fruity/herbal pinot noir wineyness....amazing)

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