Friday, September 28, 2012

It is a complex and myriad of vegetables, spices, and herbs that promote and sustain a healthy lifestyle (hence why my father didnt experience hairloss until 71). However, in our modern problems of the first order, we lack serious commitment to spending time consuming food in a leisurely fashion. All passion rests in getting to where we want. What is left to enjoy, but the rush. I've never hard an absolutely stunning meal in SF despite, the dozens of eateries I have frequented (desserts are another matter, as European style- desserts are simply the most well prepared and thought out), that said, hence the cuisine of the east blows in comparison the untimely, ill-sought, ever-seeking American diets and their contributed share of diseases, propagated by a disease of capitalism in its un-benign form , crony, sanguine waters spreading far as shops,malls, stores , designs and patterns of thoughts- --- The Indian subcontinent has ....(for another day)..

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