Sunday, July 27, 2008

Mama! O quê é aquilo?!

the movie 'wackness' was okay; some lengthy scenes that don't really tie any strength of the movies real parts together , nothing works as an adhesive. American cinema has this tendency to rush, maybe its an antonym of what people don't like to hear. fast , service, fast rush..but the soundtrack is exceptionally nostalgic , reminds you if any of those 20s later generation, of quality if there is such a thing- for the genre of black american music made more popular than its roots -jazz, the rap music of key figures like BIG, Soul, tribe, and a few others from the oaklandy suburbs. enjoyable but does not lend a rawness due to the same drum lines (which i swear i heard in another movie) by B,Kinsely who frankly besides his Gandhi role only has minor fun movies to wedge in between serious naps and wine tastings of the 7$ kind.

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