Monday, July 28, 2008

Vai dar pra você reunir um pouquinho mais tarde?

Wrist Cutters:A love story, about this guy searching for his girl, amongst the undead sort of- in this dante-ish realm , where those who have 'off'd' themselves, or committed suicide go, after life on earth sort of. It is unusual, interesting and has some
nice humor, with a russian guy and his music that trails almost the entire movie in the car, gives it a indy feel. good story, it slows down toward the middle, as it gets less interesting, and not as pieced together, but still the plot and way it takes is fun to watch and very well engrossing.

funny thing about latin america, which ironically the united states and many white folks complain about the large increase of mexicanos in their so-called nation, almost as much blacks funny thing too[just about one of the few populations ethnicities in the country finding it difficult to climb the social ladder] but yes, when Europeans did come to the New World, the population of the indigenous cultures was around 22 million in Mexico, and another 8 million in the Caribbean. After the spanish occupation, which wiped out all the indigenous people from either failure to assimilate from lack of resistance to disease, and the heavy insitance of Catholicism and the authority of the Colonial government. Similar things happened when Islam from North Africa entered below Sub-Saharan African & the rest, if they did not convert they were simply slaughtered or sold in slavery. Only a few indigenous cultures remained; Misquito of Nicaragua, and those Mayans in Guatemala[thats why they look more distinct] as the rest of these cultures from Sud America are mixed with white in their skin. Look at the prominent population of Germans in Argentina ; will give you a hint at the reasons they came, post WW II, seeking asylum from persecution, as many were linked to Nazi Germany. British Honduras, prime example. Still these countries have signifcant numbers of indigenous mestizo . Costa rica one of the most beautiful places; two coastlines of white, brown, and black-sand beaches, rain forests & dry forests, rivers, marshes, forested swamps , lagoons; banana, cacao & palm plantations, pastures, savannas, volcanoes(3/10 active) , four mountain ranges forming the backbone that runs north to south through middle of the country. broken by a central plateau area 15 by 40 mi. two seasons , dry , and rain (april-nov ). its about the size of West Virginia. 1200 species of flora, 400 species of bird, 400 species of trees, 4000 species of moth & butterfly- in this 3700 Acres

La Amistad- largest wildlife reserve.

Sican, Peru
Sican means house or temple of the moon- area in lower La Leche Valley.

Salar de Uyuni- Bolivia- largest & highest lake in the world- at an altitude of 11.975 feet, covering 9000-12k km [3000-3800 miles]/. twice the size of great salt lake.
Ojos de sal (eyes of salt)

dont forget Jose Mojica, of San Gabriel, Jalisco, Mexico- prominent lyric-romantic song writer.
Bartolome Colon- Chr.Columbus' brother found the city Santo Domingo , in Dominican Republic, Aug 4, 1496. Discovery of gold in Mexico, Peru, Santo Domingo, became a backwater for the spanish empire. and yet they blame now these poorer populations. Dont forget ruben dario , nicarguan noble laureate, and his words to Roosevelt, for tryign to upsurp the nation through CIA tactics against leftist parties, there is a power even mighter than you [oh whitey]- God!

santa luisa, major archaeological site in costal mexico, near Gutierrez Zamora, Tecolutla.
sebastiao of portugual who was defeated by the mighty Al-Ksar-al-Kabir in Morocco- the battle of the three kings..

O Encoberto " the hidden one'
siebal, guatemala, maya
dont forget the glories like the incan empire, which had so many unqiue vegetables and fruits, wiped out by ignorant europeans in their attrition.. and now they are being revived, like the golden incan berry, a type of popcorn that doesnt need oil to pop, and nearly 3000 varieties of corn and other things, which are only now being rediscovered. ignorant man, like Sir John Woodruffe said about india, many invades have come, but Santana Dharma is like the grass called dhul, no matter who tramples over, it cannot be wiped out- do not forget the law of karma, let go the fetters of anger for past aggressions, as life blooms like the rose from the dung used for its fertilizer.

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