Without knowing,
or tasting
they call her Bela Devi- the goddess who appeared at dawn; this has symoblic interpretation with much of Santana Dharma- not to be confused with Hinduism .Santana Dharma means the eternal code of life as glorified in the Vedas, which is the oldest set of scriptures based on direct experience by rishis or sages immortal. Though it is lofty, even then quantum dynamics to a linguist will seem like a boat swimming in the vast sea of space. Yet these truths are penetrable through technique. The mind is the sharpest tool to discover yourself. But alas ,how many take from these alluring sites their eyes glued so heavily?
An excerpt: [Tagore]-- " According to him[tagore] the evolution of man is the evolution of creative personality. Man alone has the courage of standing against the biological laws. Behind all great nations and noble works done in the world there have been noble ideas. An idea is that something which is the basis of creativity. It is true that life is full of misfortunes, but fortunate is he who knows how to utilize the ideas which can make him creative. Time is the greatest of all filters, and ideas are the best of all wealth. Fortune is that rare opportunity which helps one to express his ideas and abilities at the proper time"
I do not have time, in this whole quantity of years to pour out the eternal bouquet, flowers of each sage, each wise soul who has penetrated through discernible means and power whose golden vibrations lash out like the sun in solace for those not hiding in the dark houses of ignorance and self-quest.
A great sage once said there are two things in this tree of life : the satsang(company) of sages and the immortal realization of one's self.
Tagore's emphasis: Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram ( truth, goodness & beauty)..
the greatest of music is the anahata shabdam- the soundless sound, deep from the soul. silence is the medium from which the most awe of sound is heard, but only those who through work on the inner self can hear these tunes. In the himalayas, and remote areas of that sub continent are treasured the true kings of this world, who purify countless millions in the secret harbor of their scientific accomplishments. I speak from the direct experience of having heard some, and meeting the divine through deep contemplation. Paramahansa Yogananada once said" Aloneness is the price for greatness." All of you fear that loneliness, and cling to the bound souls who are met across in life [buddha said like the thunder in the sky, we have all meet before, as brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, and friends], but in the Upanishads (which literally means to sit at the feet of- meaning these teachings cannot be imparted without a qualified master who herself has traversed the razor's edge path], there is a story about the frog and snake who protect each other during the heat and other conditions- but the storm comes to wash them both out- it is symbolic of feeble man creates such intricate labyrinths of relationships which fail at the end- because he is meant to rise above such neediness and find the loneliness of the soul- where there is no end to that companionship. These are like the golden stones that the child ignores for the minor chocolates because its mind has not grown- such are the state of living, working, children of the divine empress, still basking in her gifts, and not asking who created this garden.
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