Sunday, April 12, 2009

Nice to have some whole grain chapatis . My mom makes them with added flax seed, and all the healthy stuff. I plan to introduce it when I open a restaurant or boutique.
Nice to be here. The air is so crisp too. I can fall asleep really deeply, than elsewhere. Kind of miss that. I do not think after may, I will be returning to Los Angeles whether I finish my degree or not. I am hoping my acceptance into this Masters for TCM will work out so I will not have to return to the dust bowl. Hung out with ol' Mc Mac today. He seems the same or so, the heavy clouds of porfous smoke is hard to deal with , and the odor it stains all my stuff with. The plants inside my parents home are really green. Like a deep green. There are a few tulips outside, and the rose bush seems to be doing well. I planted some star jasmine sometime back, it has turned a paler green. Does not look so healthy. Strawberry plants I think have died. They can't take the cold nights. Forgot what else was out there in front. There were a lot of herbs inside and out. I think they had their days. We had so many plants at one time, like a nursery. Good stuff. It is really quiet at night. Kind of funny, when I think of the days I used to live on 29th street, down from the 29 Cafe. So much noise, either its someone playing an instrument or talking loud, or sorority sisters making beta calls or class. Either way, all of them were annoying , especially when you want to sleep and outside your window you can here adolescents in their mid to late post teens screaming out of their lungs. I always wondered how much excitement can they make believe to yell with such lung capacity? I will really not miss LA. It will just turn out to be a big blur like all the other events in life. Trying to stop smoking is difficult when everyone around you smokes.

Its weird. Sunday nights. Used to be different when I was like 19 or 20; we would hang out late , drive around, smoke, chill,laugh. Now everyone has work, moved, or got married it seems. I never knew that many people up here anyways. Except for the girls I guess. But I don't have a car nor a license so I don't hit any of them up here anymore. Too much of a hassle. And I couldn't care less. Sex is great, but after so much drug usage; like heavy smoking, you kind of put it on the side. I have at least. I mean I do, when I do- like all other animalistic creatures, but generally my mind is on other things lately, like how to take care of my finances , responsibilities; taking care of my house soon to be , and all the other things I have to do in my situation. I don't like to worry because I don't want anymore grey hairs. So , I ' m trying to do things right now. At least get a groove in. Was nice to be home, now to get back to perspective...

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